The Grudge Marks update is FREE update available to players on all platforms. Grudge Marks introduces a new challenge to the Chaos Wastes, where adventurers will encounter unique monsters at the end of an Expedition in an arena, or from a Chest of Trials.
Grudge Marked monsters are recognizable by spears poking through their backs. A Grudge Marked monster will have varied Attributes depending on the difficulty and progress in an Expedition. The minimum number of Attributes is 0; but even a monster with no Attributes is more challenging than it's unmarked counterpart. The maximum number of Attributes is 3.
For more information on the Grudge Marks update and the Attributes you may encounter, please see our All About Grudge Marks and Developer Update - Grudge Marks articles on the Vermintide website.
New challenges and rewards await the brave.