With the introduction of Lohner's Emporium of Wonders, there have been changes to weekly quests. Now, all players will receive weekly quests, with an additional weekly quest offered to DLC owners (one per DLC, excluding the Collector's Edition). The weekly quests will be reset each week (Mondays 00:00 CEST).
These new weekly quests reward Shillings - the currency used to purchase cosmetic items from the Emporium.
Owners of the Shadows over Bögenhafen DLC will have exclusive access to the Bögenhafen cosmetics within the Emporium. Instead of completing the Bögenhafen weekly quests in order to obtain a Bögenhafen Strongbox, you will now receive Shillings which can then be used to purchase Bögenhafen cosmetics (which would have otherwise been derived from a Bögenhafen Strongbox).